
Latest Language from the CDC on COVID--

"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has shortened its recommendations for the length of isolation and quarantine periods amid the Omicron surge. People with COVID-19 should isolate for five days and if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving, without fever for 24 hours, follow that with five days of wearing a mask when around others to minimize the risk of infecting people they encounter. It's hoped the new guidance will be helpful for schools trying to maintain in-person learning while facing an increase of coronavirus cases." 

McCamey ISD Board of Trustees will be discussing this at our upcoming board meeting on January 19, 2022. 

It is the Upton County Health advisory's recommendation to do the following:

COVID positives individuals will be quarantined for five days.   Students and staff can return to school on the sixth day if symptoms have subsided and they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (a negative covid test is not required to return back to school according to the new CDC guidelines).  Households will be quarantined for five days if there is a positive case in the household. Students and staff can return to school on the sixth day with no symptoms.  It will be recommended that those that return wear a mask for the next five days. 

The Upton County Health Advisory Committee will continue to meet as needed to stay up to date with our local information. 

This will be the current recommendation, but, as we all know, things can change very quickly.