Lisa Jaramillo
is a Custodian at MCISD
Maintenance & Transportation
M&O at McCamey ISD is composed of two departments, Maintenance and Transportation.
The Maintenance department has many functions that include: janitorial services, building maintenance, grounds, alarm services, and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). It is our goal to maintain the buildings and grounds of our district in order for the students to achieve their learning goals in a safe and comfortable environment.
The Transportation Department is responsible for the safe transportation of the Students who attend classes here at MCISD and those who participate in extracurricular activities. The goal of the transportation department is to transport our youth to and from school in a safe and professional manner.
Philosophy of Maintenance
Maintenance is everyone's job!
Philosophy Of Transportation
Preparation, Preparation, Preparation, and then
expect anything!

Leroy Martinez
Leroy is a Maintenance Tech at MCISD

Marisa Rodriguez is a Custodian at MCISD

Luis Valenzuela
Luis is the Transportation
Director at MCISD

Alex Cavazos
Alex is a Custodian at MCISD

Belinda Cavazos
Belinda is a Custodian at MCISD

Luz Ramirez
Luz is a Custodian at MCISD
Someone once said, "Maintenance is all our Job." I believe the person who said this is correct. Maintenance "IS" all of our job! All who occupy a building ought to make sure the lights are off when no one is in the room. Also, if we drop something on the floor or ground we ought to pick it up. It's funny how words are not used in some languages anymore. Take the word ought, we don't use that word much anymore in the new English. The root of the word "Ought" means, "moral obligation" that is a powerful word. Therefore, we all ought to know what it means and use it more often. So, to use the word in succession with maintenance being all of our job, we as citizens have a moral obligation to do the right thing for our community. So, what is the right thing to do? And, why should someone take the time to do the right thing?
1. The right thing to do is: turning the lights out to save electricity, it will lengthen the bulbs life, therefore all around saving money in the District. Also, it's a very good habit, we as Educators try to teach our students good habits by; our leadership, our steadfastness to the rules, and our example. When the students see our concern about waste, they will follow and do the right thing as well.
2. Doing the right thing in this case is looking after our environment. Mismanagement and pollution desolation "will" destroy the environment in which we live. Simply using up resources without management will deplete the energy sources we depend on. So, with mismanagement, in time we will no longer be able to use that resource when it becomes unavailable. Desolation is manifested by the amount of pollution we find on our roadways and the trash in our towns hanging from the unkept areas. Pollution is degradation of society and leads to all types of problems for our environment and community.
So Yes, I know maintenance is all of our job! From the top to the bottom and side to side we as Educators must, we ought to do and teach the "right thing" for the sake of our youth.
School Bus Information